Pursuit of Personhood

Pursuit of Happiness

Pursuit of Happiness (Photo credit: changyang1230)

January 2nd and I haven’t given up, woot!

Back to life today, for me and most of the other parents of school-aged children.  Took Flower Child to school this morning, and Husband just took Nerd Child to catch the bus back to boarding school.  Man Child is still home, but will be setting off any day for an internship in something I can’t spell, related to theater.

The Christmas tree is gone, the wreath gone, but the ribbons, bells, and fallen pine needles remain to remind me I’m still going to be me and behind on housework no matter my intentions.

I am not, however, going to say I’m getting back to my usual routine.  First of all, my routine is a great big fail. A huge to-do list, and each day I begin by trying to do more than is added.  That hasn’t been working so well. I’ll just try to accomplish the things that are most necessary, like clean underwear. Does anything else matter?

Little Incredibly Dumb Dog needs a bath. Really, really needs a bath. And yet, still smooshable. Especially if you don’t breathe in through your nose while smooshing. See how easy it is to drop something down to the bottom of the list?

On New Year’s Eve, I rejoined a writer’s forum I used to belong to. Couldn’t remember my old username, and I’m fairly certain I was using a different email then, but that’s ok. A fresh commitment.  I like having a connection to other writers, keeps me motivated, accountable (sort of), and humble. There are a lot of excellent writers out there,  producing and submitting.  And then, I didn’t cry.  True, I sniveled a bit, and indulged in a large glass of Baileys, but I’m quite certain there were no auditory sobs.

This morning I did something I haven’t done in too long. I started a new short story. I did not give in to the temptation of spending my writing time fiddling with the short story I’ve been fiddling with for 6000 years.  Don’t I have two full length WIPs? Yes, yes I do. But I felt the need for something fresh. And I like it.  Just a beginning, still needs a middle, an end, and about a thousand hours of editing, but I like it. I am woman. I can do this.

Once upon a time #2

Once upon a time #2 (Photo credit: Andrea Marutti)


  1. Good for you! LIDD can stink for another day or so, but you needed a mental uplift now. I’m glad you put that first.:)

    I need to get past the “maybe I’ll get around to it when R has moved out.” She’ll probably be with us for several years yet, and I’m becoming increasingly more dissatisfied with my life. Time to make better and more immediate plans. Maybe after June, when she graduates. Oy.;)


    1. Thanks Kiltfan! Pick one small thing to do NOW that will allow you to feel good about you, and has nothing to do with R. We all need to feel like people, even when the mom-job is 80,000 hours a day and is the priority.


      1. “Maybe I’ll do *fillinamillionthings* whenever X happens….” is starting to not work so well for me, either, because life circumstances being what they are, “X” is just not happening! I’ve got to get better at finding ways in the middle of the here and now.


  2. I’m so glad you rediscovered your writing forum and started the new project. i agree, both were just what you needed. And yes, definitely time to distill the list and daily routine down to the bare necessities. I’ve got work to do on that here too…


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